The Right Reverend Patrick Harris, 1934 – 2020
Those of you who have lived and worshipped in the area for a long while may remember Bishop Patrick as the Bishop of Southwell from 1988-1999.

Bishop Paul, the current Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham, writes:
It is with great sadness I write to share with you that the Rt Reverend Patrick Harris, 9th Bishop of Southwell between 1988 and 1999, died peacefully on the 26th December following a short illness, aged 86 years.
Bishop Patrick is held in deep affection by many across this diocese and in the wider Church. His ministry was marked by a joyful commitment to Christ and gospel growth – in lives and in churches – as well as his pastoral heart and vision for the unique mission of every local church. He remained prayerfully and closely engaged in world mission, especially in Northern Argentina where he had first served as a bishop. He never ceased praying daily for this diocese too.
Above all, the lasting impression of Patrick’s ministry in this diocese and in his retirement was his prayerful and gracious resolve to make Christ known – he remained an evangelist at heart and had no greater joy than seeing people come to Christ and in equipping others to do the same. In this, Valerie was a tremendous support and co-partner in the gospel.
I am sure you will join me in holding Valerie, their children Rachel, Jonny and David, and grandchildren, in your prayers as they grieve the loss of a much-loved husband, father and servant of Christ.
With every blessing
You can read more about Bishop Patrick’s life and career by clicking on the links below: