Services for Sunday 17 October 2021

St Andrew’s,
10.30 am
Holy Communion

St John the Divine,
Colston Bassett
10.30 am
Harvest Festival

As we move forward …. Covid-19 guidelines for our churches

Our Coronavirus policy and risk assessments are being updated to take into account the removal of restrictions and growth of new variants of the virus. In the interim, bearing in mind our collective sense of a need for caution, we respectfully request that:

  • We maintain the practice of hand hygiene. There will be sanitiser gel available for use before and after each service.
  • We continue to wear masks in church, especially as we move around.
  • We have resumed singing inside, but encourage wearing of masks during singing.
  • We will maintain social distancing of a minimum of one metre. For those wishing more space notices will be supplied with the wording ‘Please leave this space free’ that people can place on the adjacent seat.
  • Holy Communion will continue to be offered in one kind, that is the bread only.

One of today’s services will be recorded and posted on the website as soon as possible afterwards.