Services for Sunday 17 December 2023

St Giles’ Church,
Cropwell Bishop
10.30 am
All-Parish Holy Communion
St John the Divine,
Colston Bassett
4.00 pm
Carol Service

St Michael and all Angels,
6.00 pm
Carol Service with choir
All Saints’ Church,
6.00 pm
Carol Service

Living with COVID
Covid has settled down from being an overriding concern, to being one of many infections we need to be mindful of if we are to look after ourselves as well as protect others who are more vulnerable or caring for people who are particularly vulnerable. Therefore, we continue to recommend that you do not attend church services or events if you have symptoms or feel unwell, and maintain good hand hygiene. Sanitiser gel is available in churches.
Following guidance from the Church of England, we now offer wine again at Communion. We follow the practice of simultaneous administration with the President briefly but carefully touching the surface of the Wine with the Wafer, allowing a small amount to be suffused into the Bread. The Wafer is then placed into the communicant’s hands. The President drinks last of all. Hands of course should still be sanitised. People may still choose to take bread only.
The sermon at one of today’s services will be recorded and posted on the website as soon as possible afterwards.