Services for Sunday 11 September 2022
St John the Divine,
Colston Bassett
9.00 am
Holy Communion
followed by breakfast
Holy Trinity Church,
10.30 pm
All Parish Holy Communion
Living with COVID
Now that legal restrictions have been removed, the onus is on us to take care of ourselves and one another. Please be mindful of the fact that some people are particularly vulnerable or are living with or caring for people who are particularly vulnerable. Therefore we continue to recommend that:
- you do not attend if you have symptoms or feel unwell;
- we maintain the practice of hand hygiene, with sanitiser gel available in churches;
- you use your discretion as to whether to wear a mask according to the local setting and circumstances of the people around you;
- leaders consider taking a lateral flow test before services.
Following guidance from the Church of England and in consultation with our retired clergy, the PCC are keen to begin to offer wine again at Communion. From 1st August we shall follow simultaneous administration with the President briefly but carefully touching the surface of the Wine with the Wafer, allowing a small amount to be suffused into the Bread. The Wafer is then placed into the communicant’s hands. The President drinks last of all. Hands of course should still be sanitised. People may still choose to take bread only.
One of today’s services will be recorded and posted on the website as soon as possible afterwards.