Service for Sunday 6 March 2022

St Andrew’s Church,
10.30 am
All-Parish, All-Age
Holy Communion

Living with COVID

Now that legal restrictions have been removed, the onus is on us to take care of ourselves and one another. Please be mindful of the fact that some people are particularly vulnerable, and many remain anxious about mixing. We continue to recommend that:

  • you do not attend if you have symptoms or feel unwell;
  • the practice of hand hygiene is maintained, with sanitiser gel available in churches;
  • as a courtesy, mask wearing continues, including when singing, unless you are exempt;
  • lateral flow tests are taken by leaders and e.g. choir if involved.

We will have doors open for ventilation, so you’ll need to wrap up warmly!

Holy Communion will continue to be offered in one kind, that is the bread only.

Today’s service will be recorded and posted on the website as soon as possible afterwards.