Our search for a new vicar – can you help?

We have now begun our journey to find, with God’s help, our new vicar. Somewhere beyond our parish, there is someone who is right for us and, although they don’t know it yet, there is someone who will see our parish as their perfect fit. So that we might be led to that person, and they in turn to us, we need your help.

Our journey begins with the creation of The Parish Profile which is our ‘calling out’ to our new vicar. The Profile will describe who we are and what we do. It will reflect our ambitions for growth within each of our six churches. It will also describe our hopes and plans for our churches to reach out into the communities we serve. From this we hope that the right person will be drawn to what we can offer both them and God. In turn that person might then discern that our parish is where they might carry out God’s will for them and make best use of their ministry.

In drawing up our Profile we need to include all sections of our communities. Whilst those regularly attending church will answer our call, experience has taught us that there are many in the wider community who can help just as well. We know that there are those who have a faith but are not called to Church every Sunday. We know there are others who have no belief in God at all but still see the Church as central to the community in which they live and work. We would like to hear from all.

Most people will need a clergy person at some time in their lives – whether that is someone to provide them with spiritual nourishment and help with their relationship with God – or whether it’s someone to help with the hatching, matching and dispatching. Or perhaps it’s someone who folk can turn and talk to when they need help with whatever life throws at them.

To help us find the right person for our parish please take a little time to answer the three questions below. You may do this anonymously or let us know who you are. We would like to reassure you that any personal data generated by these responses will not be used for any other purpose, will not be passed on to any third party and will be destroyed once we have published our Parish Profile.