Pentecost Family Festival 2019
Pentecost Family Festival
When Bishop Paul came to our JOY! service on Easter Sunday he invited us all to a Pentecost Family Festival at his home in Southwell on Saturday 8th June. Undeterred by the terrible weather, we arrived to find several enormous marquees in the grounds of the Bishop’s Manor. We were drawn in straight away by the warm welcome and the sound of a live band and entertainment in the largest tent. It was brilliant! The festival was aimed at children aged 5-11 and their families, and was a joyous celebration of Pentecost with dance/drama/craft workshops, worship and games, all led by a lively young team. Bishop Paul showed us round and some of the children even tried on his mitre! We heard the story of the first Pentecost, complete with dramatic sound effects, and listened to people praying in different languages. There were even food trucks and an ice-cream van for anyone who needed refreshments. If you ever have the chance to go to a similar event, do go along. You won’t be disappointed.