PCC Secretary Vacancy
The PCC is seeking a new secretary to assist the smooth running of the Wiverton in the Vale PCC.
The PCC is the governing body of the church and as such is called, alongside the minister, to lead in carrying out its mission. It is also the means by which information and resolutions are passed from the Diocesan and Deanery Synods to the congregation and, just as importantly, from the congregation to these wider groups. The PCC comprises around 15 members and meets six times a year.
The primary role of the secretary to be the point of contact for the PCC and to be responsible for the preparation and distribution of all paperwork that enables it to operate well.
Basic computer skills including word processing and e-mailing will be advisable. Formal qualifications and church membership are not required.
Please contact our Parish Administrator if you wish to discuss this position further.