Our response to COVID-19

The world has not experienced a situation like the one we now find ourselves in during the lifetime of any of us. As God’s Church, there is a need, now more than ever, for us to address the physical and spiritual needs of our Parish and the wider world in the best way we can in the circumstances.
The key changes to the way in which the parish is operating during the lock-down period are listed below. If you need any further information, please contact:
Our Rector (currently on sick leave) – Reverend Rachel Mitchell (t: 07944 992178, e: rector@wivertoninthevale.co.uk)
Our Administrator – Jane Travis (t: 07708 631623 , e: admin@wivertoninthevale.co.uk)
In line with the gradual process of easing lockdown, we are currently celebrating a weekly service of Holy Communion, to be held in one of our larger churches. Please see our calendar for details of upcoming services and events or our current service schedule for details of in-church and online services.
Whilst our church buildings are subject to limited opening, we continue to worship together with online video services every Sunday and on other special days. Click here to see details of upcoming services and catch up with past ones. Planned future events are also listed on our calendar.
We are holding a twice-weekly online Zoom meetings for Morning Prayer on Mondays and Fridays at 9 am. Click here to see how to attend the next meeting.
We are also holding a weekly online Zoom meeting for Evening Prayer on Fridays at 5 pm. Click here to see how to attend the next meeting.

The diocese is also broadcasting a number of online services, for which details may be found by clicking here.
Church Buildings
Due to the difficulties associated with maintaining a sanitised environment whilst continuing to allow public access, most of our church buildings remain closed other than for the holding of services.
We do realise however that people sometimes just wish for a quiet place to pray and be near to God. You are welcome to enter our churchyards (within the current government guidelines) and experience the peace that they can offer.
The church of St Giles, Cropwell Bishop is open for two hours most Mondays for those who would like to engage in private prayer within the House of God. See our calendar for confirmation of opening times.
Parish News
Due to the infection risks of distributing mail, delivery of the Wiverton News has been suspended for the time being. The Weekly Notices continue to be published on the website. Paper copies can be delivered by special request to members who do not have access to the internet. Please click here to request a copy on behalf of someone you know.
You can subscribe to receive email notifications of ALL new posts on our website by clicking here.
Community Groups
All community groups, including Coffee, Cake, Chat , Time for You, Big Breakfast, Pop-Up Café are suspended until further notice.
Home Groups
Obviously, we are not able to meet in each other’s homes at present, but some of the Home Groups are continuing to gather through online meetings using the Zoom platform. Your Home Group leader will contact you with more information.
Prayer Requests
If you would like us to pray for you or those you love, we have a Virtual Prayer Group, whose members pray together for the needs of our parish, the country and the wider world. Please contact Rachel (see above) or complete an online form by clicking here.
Pastoral Care
If you or someone you care for would like to talk to someone in the church about anything weighing on your mind, Rachel would be happy to take your call.
Help with practical matters
Most of our village communities are organising groups of volunteers to deliver practical help to those in need. So, if you are self-isolating and need help with everyday matters like shopping, collecting prescriptions, posting mail, dog-walking , etc, you are welcome to contact anyone on our Who’s Who page who will be able to put you in touch with someone who can help you out.
Parish management
We are receiving regular advice from the Church of England, the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham and the Deanery of East Bingham.
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) and other Parish bodies continue to meet online to conduct essential business.