Online events to help in making our churches greener

Further to a previous post asking for volunteers to help lead a campaign to ‘green up’ our churches, two online events have been notified by the diocese which may be of interest to anyone considering such a role.

CofE Webinar: Creation speaks of God’s glory
Monday 26 September, 12pm
Linking environment with theology and worship, Dr Cherryl Hunt is a former molecular biologist who metamorphosed into a theologian. She will explore with us biblical texts where creation glorifies God. Book here.

Introduction to Eco Church
Online via Zoom
Saturday 8 October, 11am – 12pm
It will include case studies of how churches have approached Caring for Creation and become Eco Churches. Led by Rich Bull of Nottingham Trent University and St Paul’s Daybrook, he has a professional interest in energy and sustainability in the built environment. Book here.