Moth Morning, Langar – Saturday 9 July

Moths Morning in Langar churchyard Saturday 9th July CONFIRMED

The moths morning is confirmed for 7:30am to 9:00am. Please tell others and come as soon as you can after 7:30. Supervised children very welcome.

We hope to arrange coffee etc. and nibbles depending on the expected attendance.

And if you need breakfast afterwards, The Vale Market Café will be in Barnstone Village Hall 10am to 12 noon with great food and drinks as well as stalls offering various produce.

Did you know that we have over 2000 species of moths in the UK, many of which are very beautiful? We can’t promise you an Emperor Moth like the one in the picture, which was seen locally, but not knowing what will be found is part of the excitement! If the weather is good the night before, there should be lots to see.

Please note:-

  • Moth survey experts will set up special traps over the previous night
  • The moths are not harmed in any way and are released after they have been recorded.