Hope for the Earth, Southwell – 12 October 2019

You are invited to learn more about the state of our planet, and how
churches and individual Christians can respond.
Southwell Minster and the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham
Hope for the Earth
Andy Lester, Head of Conservation, A Rocha UK
Saturday 12th October 2019
3.00pm – 5.00pm,
Holy Trinity Church, Westgate, Southwell, NG25 0LD
This talk with Q&A session builds on the “Listening to the Leaves” Conference held at Southwell Minster in March 2019 and the Diocesan commitment to promote eco-church/eco-diocese.
Andy will also be preaching at The Cathedral Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Sunday
13th October at 10.30 am, to which all are welcome.
To register please contact Catriona Gundlach e-mail: Catriona@southwell.anglican.org or
Tel: 01636 817232.

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