East Bingham Deanery Online Evening Prayer
The Revd Canon Stephen Hippisley-Cox, East Bingham Area Dean and rector of the 3Ws parish, invites Wiverton in the Vale parishioners to join him at 6pm on the first Friday of each month for a 30-minute Deanery Evening Prayer service, with intercessions for the diocese.
The September meeting is on Friday 6 September at 6 pm
The October meeting is on Friday 4 October at 6 pm
As part of our strategy to surround our bishops Paul and Andy, our archdeacons Phil and Tors and the rest of the bishop’s core staff as they discern what is best for the future of our diocese over the next few years, we will be praying for their consultation process, for their and our listening to God, and the right deployment of resources in order that our churches will best flourish.
Please click on the button below at the appropriate time to join the meeting. The same link is used for all of the services.
Alternatively, you can go to zoom.us/join (opens in a new tab) and enter the following details:
Meeting ID: 853 0683 0697
Passcode: 908368
If you have not used Zoom before, don’t worry, it is very straightforward.
Click here to read some guidelines for setting it up and using it.
You will find it helpful if you have the Order of Service in front of you. This can be viewed in the Church of England Daily Prayer App or on the Church of England Daily Prayer web page.
To install the app, click here to go to the Church of England Daily Prayer App page. Then scroll down to find the download links for Apple and Android devices.
Alternatively, click here to go to the Church of England Daily Prayer page. Then scroll down and click on the Evening Prayer (Contemporary) link for the service of the day.