Granby and Sutton Singers invite you to our annual
“Christmas Cheer”
sing along concert
Saturday December 1st at 7.00pm
All Saints Church, Granby
About an hour of seasonal songs for all the family
followed by coffee and mince pies in Granby Village Hall
Tickets £5 (children free)
C Headland (01949 850940)
I Daw (01949 851212)
mark the end of World War 1.
Thank you to all those who joined the campaign and became a bell ringer in 2018, and thank you to those who have kept up the art over many years and who support and teach others.
Would you too like to take up bellringing?
‘Bellringer Beginners’ meets on Wednesdays from about 10am in St Giles’ Church, overlapping with Coffee, Cake and Chat. You’ll be made warmly welcome. For more information, contact Colin: colinholiday12@gmail.com 07778 890139
The ringers who took part in the Quarter Peal at St Giles’ Church, Cropwell Bishop with Andrew Charlett, Chairman of Barnstone and District RBL Branch, and Sir Andrew Pulford, President