Bishop Paul’s ‘Thank you’ to congregations across the diocese

As we journey towards Advent and Christmas, please do take a few minutes to view Bishop Paul’s ‘thank you’ video to congregations across the diocese for their generous giving and serving throughout this challenging past year.

In this video, Bishop Paul also invites those, who may feel prompted and able, to consider making a special Christmas gift to their local church, as a way of giving thanks to God for the hope of Jesus this Christmas. For those who might find it easier to make a gift directly to the diocese, there is now a designated ‘Generous Giving’ donate page on the diocesan website, where a QR code can be scanned by phone or a ‘donate an amount’ button clicked which will take users to a secure payment page – this will go directly towards Parish Share.

Finally, for those who might also like to support an initiative to send Christmas gifts to people and families in need locally, please do visit the Love Your Neighbour website.