APCM 2024 – Sunday 14 April

Every year, parishes in the Church of England hold two important meetings:

  • The Annual Meeting of Parishioners (AMP) is open to anyone on the electoral roll of the Parish of Wiverton in the Vale or resident in the parish and whose name is on the civil electoral roll of a community within the parish. The purpose of this meeting is to elect churchwardens
  • The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is only open to those on the electoral roll of the Parish of Wiverton in the Vale. This meeting is to elect PCC members and representatives to the Deanery Synod as well as to present reports on various aspects of church life

This is a reminder that this year’s meetings take place at St Andrew’s Church, Langar on Sunday 14 April, starting with a shared lunch at 12pm, followed by the meetings.

You can download the supporting documents for the meeting by clicking on the links below:

If you are able, please bring these documents to the meeting, downloaded onto an electronic device, as there will only be limited supplies of paper copies available at the meeting.

If you would like to stand for one or more of the offices mentioned above, please contact the Parish Administrator, who can tell you more about what the roles entail and provide you with an application form. Alternatively, you can download copies of the application forms by clicking on the links below:

Completed nomination forms for Churchwarden must be received by the Parish Administrator by Sunday 31 March. Nomination forms for PCC or Deanery Synod member may be submitted up until the date of the meeting, but it would be very helpful if they could also be received by 31 March. Nominations received after this date will not be listed on the ballot paper for postal voting (see below).

If you are unable to attend the meeting, but would still like to vote in one or more of the elections, you can apply for a postal vote by clicking here and completing the form. Please provide your name, address and phone number. You will be sent a postal voting form after 31 March, which should be returned to the Parish Administrator before the date of the meeting.