A Christian response to Brexit

Last modified date

from the Diocese of Oxford

We may be about to exit the European Union and begin a new relationship with our European neighbours and with the world. Bishops Steven, Alan, Colin and Bishop-elect Olivia have written a joint letter to every church, school and chaplaincy in the Diocese of Oxford reminding us all of the important roles that our churches and schools hold at this time. The bishops are encouraging parishioners across the diocese to read the letter too: “Don’t underestimate what we can achieve if every church, chaplaincy and school does something and if every Christian disciple takes some action, however small”.

The letter was handed out at Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan Synod on 12 October and endorsed by David McCoulough, the Director of Partnerships and Mission at Jubilee House.

The main points of the letter are summarised in the image below. The full text of the message can be read by clicking here.


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